All stakeholder Representatives attend the iCT meetings which are held each Wednesday and facilitated by the TRiP Coordinator. New referrals are scheduled at designated times to allow for the School Resource Office (SRO) that is responsible for the school of the young person that is being presented to attend. The SRO is excused from iCT following the conversation and any administrative/strategic conversation items that have surfaced during the week are discussed at this time allowing for team dialog and input.
Client Presentations:
The I&RO presents clients who have signed consent and where there is a completed Care Giver Intake Guide; School Background Report and Child & Youth Intake Guide.
Observations, key pieces of information and client insight gleaned from these forms are shared as part of the I&RO presentation. The Risk-Based Needs Assessment Pre and Risk Factor Variant Definitions Pre are completed during the presentation.
A roundtable occurs where each stakeholder presents sector specific past and present information which highlights involvement with the client.
iCT Discussion:
Once all of the client information, past and present programs, services and supports have been discussed a determination on the course of action occurs.
If accepted, the iCT Action Plan form is populated, including Coordinated Custom Case Conference (C4) participants based on presenting issues and current engagement. If declined, TRiP Administrative Support will draft a letter stating the reasoning why it will not be moved to open file status and if appropriate, may include recommendations. A copy of the letter will be provided to the referral source and to the caregiver.
If the file is determined to be waitlisted, TRiP Administrative Support will draft a letter stating the rationale for being placed on the waitlist. A copy of this letter will be provided to the referral source and to the caregiver. A copy of the Declined Letter and the Waitlist Letter can be found in the ‘appendix a’.
Following the iCT meeting, generally within 24hours, the I&RO will reach out to the referral source, caregiver, other relevant contacts, as well as the Case Lead to advise of the youths’ acceptance and introduce the Case Lead that will be reaching out to the youth and family.
If a referral becomes an active TRiP client, it is formally determined at iCT meetings which stakeholder will assume Case Lead. The Case Lead will reach out to the family within 2 weeks of being assigned.
Case Lead is assigned to the stakeholder who has or will naturally be assuming the greatest role with the client. In cases where a stakeholder is already involved because of a current open file or upcoming file involvement, this stakeholder will become Case Lead.
If school attachment, engagement or attendance issues are identified at the iCT presentation, the School Engagement Worker may become assigned to the client. Alternatively, the SEW may be added as a resource once the C4 teams begins meeting and identifies school concerns that could be supported by the SEW.
If deemed appropriate, one of TRiP’s Support Workers (SW) may be assigned to a client. If this occurs, the SW will attend C4, when possible. They will meet with the Public School Liaison in charge over SW oversight on a monthly basis and submit the Community Engagement Summary to monitor activities, engagement and the link to the iCT Action Plan.
Intersectoral Collaboration Team Forms
- Risk-Based Needs Assessment Pre
- Risk Factor Variant Definitions Pre
- iCT Action Plan
- Stakeholder Background Report