Following the receipt of a referral, the Intake & Referral Officer (I&RO) initiates contact with the referrals caregiver, usually within 72 hours. I&RO will make 5 attempts to contact the caregiver. I&RO will also take into consideration the circumstances and previous history with the family. Attempts may include phone calls; voice messages; emails; texts; attending to the home if information suggests this to be the best way to contact the family.
At initial phone contact, the I&RO initiates the following process:
- Discuss the reasons for the referral to TRiP;
- Thoroughly explain what TRiP is and how we support children and families;
- Explain and obtain verbal consent; if verbal consent is obtained – I&RO shares the referral name (via email) with TRiP stakeholders;
- If verbal consent is obtained with the sole caregiver and there is a custody order in place, the caregiver is advised to bring appropriate documentation in relation to this; if both parents agree to TRiP involvement, no orders are required.
- Set a date to meet for written consent to be signed.
- Conclude the file if the family/caregiver does not agree to consent.